Replica Watches From Top Brands

2 New Fake Omega Aqua Terra Watches Of 2020

Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra collection has a wide range of styles. Omega matches them with different dials and straps. And Omega brand is constantly seeking innovation. In order to satisfy more people’s pursuit of watches, Omega watchmakers added two new watches to the Aqua Terra collection in 2020. The two new fake Omega Watches have dials in different colors.

Dial Color Of New Fake Omega Aqua Terra Watches

In preparation for 2020, Omega added two new colors to the Aqua Terra 150M collection. The first fake Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra 150M has a classic blue dial. Don’t forget that blue is still the color of 2020. The second fake Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra 150M has a dark green dial, but this green is very discreet.

Symmetrical Dial

The two new fake Omega Watches have completely symmetrical dials. The Aqua Terra 150M underwent a meaningful update in 2017. The current dial is the result of the update. The case size has been reduced from 41.5MM to 41MM. The date window has also moved from the three o’clock position to the six o’clock position. For perfect symmetry, their time stamps are exactly the same. They do not use Arabic numerals for readability, but the same triangular time scale. However, the new fake watches are easier to recognize and more elegant.

Teak Dial

Although the two new fake Omega Watches have different colors, their dial designs are the same. They all have Teak Dial. Teak dial’s design is inspired by the wooden deck of a luxury sailboat. This is also the classic design that the Seamaster Aqua Terra 150M collection has always had. Teak dial will show different luster under different angles and different light. Moreover, you can choose different bracelets according to your needs.


These two fake Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra 150M watches use the latest NO.8900 movement. The accuracy of the Omega movement exceeds the COSC standard and is also certified by the Master Chronometer. By convention, Omega watches have a five-year warranty. Both fake Omega watches have a transparent caseback. We can clearly see the movement that can store 60 hours of power.

These two Omega Aqua Terra 150M watches can be used anytime and anywhere. It can be paired with jeans and sneakers, as well as suits and leather shoes. That is, they can be sports watches or dress watches. And it still feels right. They are not the most unique and complicated watches, but they are definitely a watch that can accompany you.