Replica Watches From Top Brands

First Fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN With Cerachrom

At Baselword in 2016, Rolex released a watch we all have been waiting for. It’s Daytona with a cerachrom bezel. Daytona is a budget watch. This collection has changed a lot in the past few decades, but some aspects have not changed at all.

Cerachrom Bezel

The biggest update on fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN is the bezel. This is the first time that fake Rolex Daytona uses cerachrom Bezel. The black ceramic bezel refreshes the look of the fake watch, but it still maintains a retro look. Cerachrom was first introduced by Rolex in 2005. Polished ceramic is almost scratch-resistant and does not fade. This means that Daytona on your wrist will always stay fresh. The tachymeter numbers now follow the curve of the bezel, rather than having all the text on the same axis. This makes the entire bezel more uniform.

“Panda” Dial

In addition to cerachrom bezel, fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN also has a new style dial. It has two dials to choose from. There are three white rings on the black dial. In contrast, the white dial has three black rings. They are all called “Panda” dials. In recent years, the fake Rolex Daytona with white dial has become a hot product.


This fake Rolex Daytona watch still maintains a 40MM case. The case and bracelet are made of 904L stainless steel. I think keeping the size the same is a wise choice. Daytona 116500LN uses the excellent NO.4130 movement. It has a strong battery life. It can store 72 hours of power.

The real Rolex Daytona 116500LN is one of the hottest watches. So it is difficult to buy it at the initial price, and you still have to wait a long time. If you want to experience this watch, you can choose replica watch first.