Replica Watches From Top Brands

The Rolex Cellini Replica Time Watches With Clean Dial

Rolex relaunched the Cellini collection in 2014, and I think the Australian Rolex general manager described the phenomenon in a poem, “The sleeping Prince has been awoken”. Today we present the Rolex Cellini replica time watches with the simplest functions and cleanest dial.

2014 Year Rolex Cellini Replica Time 50509

The Rolex Cellini replica Time 50509 is a chronograph-only watch released in 2014.The 39MM case size in 18k white gold or Everose gold is well suited to today’s taste in dress watches. The narrow bezel with fluted rings leaves more room for the dial. The black or white dial has a classic flair. The circular minute track divides the slender bars in two and the slender Roman numerals at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock give these replica Rolex Cellini watches a unique look.

2016 Year Rolex Cellini Replica Time 50505

Replica Rolex Cellini Time 50505 was born in 2016. The case is available in 18k white gold or Everose gold. This Rolex watch also has a double bezel. The inner bezel is a smooth, dome-shaped bezel and the outer bezel is a fluted bezel. This perfect replica Rolex Cellini watch has a cleaner dial. The original Roman numeral hour markers were also replaced by bar hour markers. But the new Rolex watches also have sword-shaped hands. The Rolex Cellini fake Time 50505 has a more elegant dial and is the cleanest Rolex dial yet.

From 2014 to 2016, Rolex Cellini watches had the same 39MM case and 50M water resistance. In addition, their internal movements have not changed and have always used the NO.3135 movement. The Cellini watches and Explorer use the same movement. This movement has a power reserve of 48 hours.

The advent of Rolex Cellini watches reminds everyone that Rolex doesn’t just make sports watches, they make dress watches professionally. And we did get our attention with these elegant dress watches. If you need a Rolex dress watch, you can go to Hont Watches for the best replica watches.